Uniform Guide
We strongly believe that school uniform gives our pupils a sense of identity and of belonging to the academy. It helps to ensure that no student feels disadvantaged in terms of appearance, removes the need to keep up with constantly changing and expensive fashion trends, and instils a sense of pride.
We expect all our school pupils to wear full school uniform and come to school looking presentable each day. This also extends to presentation of hairstyles. Hair should be of natural colour and worn in a style which does not compromise health and safety. Hairstyles including Mohican and other non-gradual changes in length, patterned, shaving and grade 1 or below are unacceptable.
Steps to Ordering Compulsory Items:
All uniform such as Jumpers, PE kit, sun caps, replacement book bags and water bottles can be purchased through the Price and Buckland website direct.
Please note that the book bag is a replacement one only. You will receive a book bag and water bottle for free when your child starts school.
Financial Support
For families who are eligible for Free School Meals (Pupil Premium), the school will offer a financial contribution for the purchase of the following:
2 branded knitwear Jumper
1 branded PE t-shirt
1 branded sun cap
Please contact the school office via email secretary@egloskerryprimary.uk or call 01566 785372 to discuss this.
All pupils will be given a school book bag and water bottle to start school.
What Isn't Allowed?
We ask that children do not wear jewellery of any kind expect for small studs (if ears are pierced), or wear nail varnish, makeup or tattoos.
For health and safety reasons, long hair should be kept out of children’s eyes and tied back, particularly for PE and Forest School sessions. Hair accessories should be plain and in school colours (red, grey or black). Extreme hairstyles such as very short or ‘buzz cuts’, sculptured names or symbols, or dyed hair, are neither appropriate nor acceptable for children of primary school age.